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home » Garden » Growing tomatoes using the I.M. method Maslova
Growing tomatoes using the IM Maslov method

Modern tomato varieties have great yield potential, but cannot use it to its fullest. The small root of the plant is simply not able to absorb enough nutrients from the soil to support the entire ovary. In this regard, it is important to stimulate root formation. This is done very effectively by planting seedlings using the I.M. method. Maslova.

What you will need:

  • seedling;
  • wood ash;
  • finely ground eggshells;
  • hoe;
  • water.

The process of planting and growing tomatoes using the Maslov method

Growing tomatoes using the IM Maslov method

To plant tomatoes using this method, you need to make a shallow furrow in the garden bed under each plant in the direction from south to north. It should completely accommodate the root with soil from the pot, and also have a length reserve of another 10 cm. Wood ash and crushed eggshells are mixed at the bottom.

Growing tomatoes using the IM Maslov method
Growing tomatoes using the IM Maslov method

The seedlings are planted in a watered furrow lying down, with their roots strictly to the south. With this arrangement, the plant will rise correctly towards the light. The groove must be covered with soil. In this case, it is necessary to close both the root part and the first pair of stems from which the leaves are removed.

Growing tomatoes using the IM Maslov method

This planting method allows additional roots to form on the sprinkled part of the trunk. Due to this, the seedlings grow very well. In a month she will already grow to her waist. When it is clear that the plant is well rooted, it should be tied up. The method is especially good if the seedlings are thin and do not stand at all when planted vertically.

Growing tomatoes using the IM Maslov method
Growing tomatoes using the IM Maslov method

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A cheap fertilizer for seedlings, after which the tomatoes will immediately begin to grow -
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Comments (1)
  1. Victor
    #1 Victor Guests July 6, 2021 07:53
    The text says "root to the south", but in the photo it is planted with the root to the north. The top of the seedling faces south. This can be seen by the shadow being cast.

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