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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » How to make any bend on a pipe without a pipe bender

Sometimes you have to bend pipes for a pipeline or various metal structures. Having only a grinder and a welding machine, this can be done without a pipe bender. The process is not fast, but it works 100%.

What you will need:

  • marker;
  • ruler;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine.

Pipe bending process

To twist the pipe into a horn, markings are applied at the bend along the entire length of the curve.

Its pitch is selected depending on the bending radius and the diameter of the pipe itself. Diamonds are drawn on the scale, as in the photo, and cut out with a grinder.

The steeper the bend is needed, the wider the cut should be made.

Next, the pipe is bent and welded.

If in some places the seam is too wide, you can use an insert from a previously cut scrap.

To bend a regular knee, it is enough to apply a marking and make cuts along it with a wide disk.

This way you can make a knee at 90° and 180°.

After welding and cleaning the seams, such a pipe can even be used for plumbing or heating.

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You may be interested in the article on how to smoothly bend a profile pipe without a pipe bender and heating -
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