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home » Cooking » How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

If you are lucky enough to collect birch sap, be sure to make lemonade from it with the addition of lemons and oranges. This canned drink quenches thirst well, saturating the body with useful substances and vitamins (especially in winter). Fragrant, tasty, and most importantly, healthy lemonade made from birch sap with lemon and orange will appeal to both adults and children, you can be sure of that.

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Ingredients (based on two three-liter jars):

  • - lemon – 1 pc.;
  • - orange – 1 pc.;
  • - sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • - birch sap – 5.8 l.

Making lemonade from birch sap:

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Before you start making lemonade, strain the birch sap (it must be freshly collected) several times through a fine sieve so that there is no debris left in it.

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Measure out the required amount of birch sap, then pour it into a container for further boiling (a large saucepan or basin).

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Rinse the orange and lemon under water, cut off the stems and cut into thin half rings (if there are seeds, be sure to remove them, otherwise they may give the lemonade a bitter taste).

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Place the chopped citrus fruits in a container with birch sap, add sugar there and stir well.

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Boil the future lemonade for 2 - 3 minutes (from the moment of boiling), then pour into pre-sterilized jars.

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Roll up jars of birch sap lemonade and wrap until completely cool.

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Store the cooled cans of drink in a cool place. It is advisable to store lemonade from birch sap with lemon and orange for no more than a year.

How to make the healthiest and most refreshing lemonade from birch sap

Roll up birch sap for a long time -

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