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home » Electronics » How to make a 12V 100A supercapacitor battery for any load

You can power a powerful DC motor not only from a conventional battery, but also from a homemade battery from ionistors. There is a large selection of such 2.7 V supercapacitors on sale. When they are connected in series using a balancing board, you can get an almost full-fledged battery. It is capable of powering weak 12V consumers for a long time, and also, due to the rapid release of charge, starts the car starter. You can assemble such a device from purchased components at home. This would be a great DIY for your home lab.


Supercapacitor battery manufacturing process

To assemble a battery using supercapacitors, in addition to the latter, you need to purchase a single-row balancing board for 6 ionistors. All this is sold on Aliexpress. Due to the difference in resistance, series connected ionistors charge at different speeds.Without this board, on one of them, during simultaneous charging, the voltage may exceed the permissible limit when the others have not yet reached the required 2.7 V. The balancing circuit of the finished board prevents this.

Capacitors must be soldered into the board, observing the polarity according to the markings on it.

Then the power terminals are screwed onto its outermost contacts.

This device charges very quickly with a 3A power supply. The result is a compact and lightweight battery.

It allows you to power any consumer almost like a regular battery, that is, you can even run a wire from it, for example, to a car vacuum cleaner or a screwdriver. But the most interesting thing is that it is capable of spinning the starter of a motorcycle or car.

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Supercapacitors instead of a battery in a car -

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