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home » Electronics » How to quickly make a soldering iron from a 5 V pencil

You can make a soldering iron from scrap materials in about 15 minutes. This useful idea is a “lifesaver” in a difficult situation. With such a tool it is quite possible to make small repairs, even where there is no electricity, because the soldering iron can easily be powered from a 5 V battery.

Will need

  • A simple pencil.
  • Screw terminal.
  • USB cable
  • Single core copper wire.

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How to make a soldering iron from a pencil

The first thing you need to do is check the pencil. Its body should be made of wood, not plastic. You can check this with a lighter. The body should not melt.

Next, we clean the pencil with a stationery knife to a distance of 1.5 cm.

Let's prepare a USB cable. The ends of the wires must be stripped 2 cm.

Now we twist one wire onto the graphite rod.

Next, at a distance of 0.5 cm, there is another wire.

Take a screw terminal.

We put it on the rod and carefully fix it with a screw.

You need to make a soldering iron tip from a thick copper wire. To do this, sharpen one side with sandpaper.

We bite it off and insert it into the terminal.We fix it with the second screw.

The soldering iron is ready. For power supply we use a unit with a maximum current of 2 Amps.

The soldering iron works fine.

The distance of the electrodes on the graphite rod can be used to regulate the heating force.

Of course, such a soldering iron will only last for a short time, but this time will be quite enough for minor repairs.

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Life hack: how to solder small parts with a soldering iron with a thick tip -
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Comments (2)
  1. Vasya
    #1 Vasya Guests 18 May 2022 08:40
    1) The insulation of the wires melts. 2) The power supply has been modified (redesigned), because modern switching power supplies will be protected from short circuits from such a load and will not work.
  2. Chulkov I.Yu.
    #2 Chulkov I.Yu. Guests 17 April 2023 09:28
    How many novice hobbyists have been burned because of this power supply design?!

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