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A simple and effective remedy will help get rid of annoying ants

Summer residents and residents of the private sector are well aware of the problem of ant invasion. They not only breed aphids and gnaw young shoots of plants, but also often enter the home to feed themselves. You can get rid of this problem once and for all with a homemade remedy.

What you will need:

  • warm water;
  • sugar or powdered sugar;
  • boric acid powder;
  • lids from jars.

The preparation process and its use

It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of sugar or powder with pharmaceutical boric acid in one container. Then a little hot water is added to them. After this, the mixture is stirred until everything dissolves and turns into jelly.
A simple and effective remedy will help get rid of annoying ants

A simple and effective remedy will help get rid of annoying ants

A simple and effective remedy will help get rid of annoying ants

The resulting product is poured into shallow bowls or lids and placed in places where ants accumulate. Those attracted by the sweet syrup will collect poison. Since it does not act instantly, the entire anthill will have time to taste the poison before the insects die.The product is very cheap and always works 100%, so it should be in the arsenal of every summer resident and gardener.
A simple and effective remedy will help get rid of annoying ants

A simple and effective remedy will help get rid of annoying ants

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A cheap way to fight ants and aphids on trees -
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