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How to connect a hose to a faucet

If a regular faucet is installed in the kitchen or bathroom, then connecting a hose to it is quite problematic. The need for this may arise when starting up a refrigerator, distiller or chiller. This problem can be solved very quickly and without purchasing special adapters.

What will break through:

  • spout from under a tube of sealant or liquid nails;
  • silicone or rubber gasket;
  • assembly knife.

The process of making the adapter and connecting the hose

You need to unscrew the aerator from the mixer and remove the mesh and other parts from it.
How to connect a hose to a faucet

A spout from a tube of sealant or liquid nails is threaded into its nut. If it does not fit the diameter at the base, then it can be trimmed.
How to connect a hose to a faucet

How to connect a hose to a faucet

Next, you need to cut the top of the spout to the desired diameter.
How to connect a hose to a faucet

After this, a gasket is inserted into the aerator nut and screwed onto the mixer.
How to connect a hose to a faucet

How to connect a hose to a faucet

All that remains is to pull the hose onto the resulting adapter. After use, the nut is unscrewed, the spout is removed, and the aerator is put back together.
How to connect a hose to a faucet

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Also see how you can use a ball to connect any hose to a faucet -
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