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How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Li-ion battery

Many radio amateurs use Li-ion batteries from outdated mobile phones, tablets, and MP3 players in their crafts. Such batteries already include a charging controller. Charging them is usually not very convenient, since it is not visually clear whether charging is in progress or the battery is already fully charged.
To solve this problem, you can assemble a simple indicator of the flow of charging current using only 3 parts.

Required Parts

Circuit of the simplest current indicator

How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Liion battery

The microcircuit is a current sensor and displays its presence and absence using LEDs. This connection scheme does not require quenching resistors in the circuit LEDs, which is very convenient.
The circuit is connected to the gap between the battery and the charger. When charging current flows, LED1 flashes, and as soon as charging is completed, only LED2 will light up. Everything is elementary simple.

Making a passing current indicator

We take a universal board for installation.
How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Li-ion battery

We install the microcircuit into the holes of the board.
How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Li-ion battery

Install 2 LED different colors to visually distinguish the process more clearly from afar.
How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Li-ion battery

Insert the tinned wires.
How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Li-ion battery

We solder the tracks along the board contacts.
How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Li-ion battery

Current indicator in operation

We connect the indicator between the 5 V power source and the battery. Red while charging Light-emitting diode flashes.
How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Li-ion battery

As soon as charging is completed and current has stopped flowing through the microcircuit, the green LED lights up.
How to make a simple charging current indicator for a Li-ion battery

This microcircuit is usually used in universal chargers, popularly called “Frog”.

Watch the video

See how you can make a current indicator without microcircuits on transistors -
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Comments (4)
  1. Yuri K
    #1 Yuri K Guests 2 June 2021 22:33
    It is not clear how this soldering of his can work, it does not correspond to the diagram. Some kind of nonsense. He connected the plus to the minuses of the diodes from the power supply. And I connected the minus to leg 4, instead of 8 and 5
  2. Yuri K
    #2 Yuri K Guests 4 June 2021 10:06
    Let me clarify.The plus from the power supply should be connected according to the diagram to 8 and 5 and the fifth leg. Vdd - positive power supply according to Datasheet.
    1. Guest Alexander
      #3 Guest Alexander Guests August 20, 2021 05:12
      Hello. Please tell me about this microcircuit, I am interested in its maximum current that can be passed through it when it is used as a current sensor, as in this option proposed in the article. And from what initial current value is green Light-emitting diode switch to red? Thank you.
  3. Alex
    #4 Alex Guests 31 July 2021 21:54
    Good afternoon, what current is considered to be the end of charging?

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