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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » The tool will hold in your hand like a glove if you make a simple anti-slip winding

It is unsafe to use a tool with a slippery handle. This is especially true for axes and hammers. It’s not at all difficult to modify a slippery handle for a secure grip; you just need to wrap electrical tape around it in a clever way.

What you will need:

  • self-vulcanizing or cotton electrical tape;
  • knife.

The process of refining tool handles

The electrical tape must be glued along the end of the tool handle, 5 cm from the edge.

It is wound through the end to the other side, then turned at a right angle and wound tightly with overlapping turns.

You only need to wrap the part where the hand grip is performed. At the end the tape is cut.

Then the electrical tape is applied to the handle in the same way, but to cross the end crosswise relative to the previous layer. Having thrown it to the other side, you need to unwind the roll 0.5 m and roll it along its entire length into a tube.

This tube is screwed onto the edge of the handle to create an anti-slip fungus.

Then you need to wind it in a wide oblique turn to the edge of the first layer of electrical tape. If the tube is not enough, you can screw it in more.

Without cutting, you need to wind the already even electrical tape over the resulting relief, turn to turn in the opposite direction, giving a strong tension.

At the end it is cut off.

The result is a comfortable, secure handle that will never slip out.

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How to firmly fit a hammer onto a handle without a wedge -
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Comments (2)
  1. valeric2
    #1 valeric2 Guests 20 April 2021 17:51
    Electrical tape can be different, sometimes it unwinds, sometimes it doesn’t stick, it’s slippery and fragile in the cold, and sticky when warm. It’s easier to modify the handle of the tool - make a “wood carving” and paint or stretch a piece of rubber hose. Just not electrical tape, as a child I wrapped everything with it - I’m sorry I was young and stupid.
  2. Vasya
    #2 Vasya Guests 22 April 2021 13:14
    Yes everything is correct.I wrapped the handles of the pliers, after a while the coils slip and everything sticks. And if you’re nervous, it’s not safe to work.

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