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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » Life hack: how to make a tea bag in 1 minute

In the morning rush, do you suddenly find that you are out of tea bags? Don't be upset, there is a way out of any situation. Loose tea can also be brewed in a mug so that there are no tea leaves on the surface. And the brewing process will go much faster.

I offer you a great option for brewing tea that you didn’t even know about.

To make it I will need:

  • 1. A pinch of tea.
  • 2. Foil.
  • 3. Fork.

Process of making tea bags

Take a small piece of foil, pour loose tea into it, roll it tightly so that the tea does not spill.

In order for the tea to brew, we need to make small holes in the foil. A fork is best for this. We make a few punctures and our tea bag is ready.

All that remains is to put it in a cup of boiling water and wait 2 minutes for the tea to brew. Add lemon and sugar to taste and enjoy your morning energizing drink.

This is interesting! If you have enough time in the morning to get ready before going to work, I advise you to provide a foil bag with a string.To do this, you can simply tie a regular thread to the corner of the bag. Or make a special hole with a needle where you can insert a thread.

Enjoy your tea.

[quote]Golden potatoes in the microwave in 5 minutes -
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