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home » Homemade cars "Scientific way to dry windows and car interior from condensation 2-3 times faster

Moisture inevitably gets into the car interior. Due to the difference in temperature inside and outside the car, it condenses on the windows, making it impossible to see through them. Car manufacturers have come up with several effective ways to combat this, such as blowing or heated windows. However, there is a little trick in combining the inclusion of machine options in which the glass will dry as quickly as possible.

The process of quick drying of condensate on glass

After starting and warming up the car engine, you need to turn the heater on to maximum. Warm air holds much more moisture than cold air. Thus, the condensed water will turn back into steam.

After heating the interior, turn on the air conditioning. It works as an air dehumidifier, so it will quickly remove evaporation. With all this, it is important that air circulates from the cabin, without supplying fresh air from the street.

The last step is to open the windows for at least a few seconds. You need to quickly replace the warm air in the cabin with colder, and therefore dry, outside air.

By doing this, you can quickly remove condensation from the glass and remove moisture from the car. In the future, windows in a dry interior will not fog up so much.

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