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home » Cooking » The most affordable and delicious kvass made from black bread

Not everyone recommends kvass delicacies. In some people they cause heartburn and aggravate the course of chronic diseases. Claims that they improve potency, the condition of hair, nails, etc. are controversial. This simplest recipe helps me out in another aspect, especially in the summer. In hot weather, store-bought analogues such as Coca-Cola or Sprite are an excellent substitute for homemade kvass. It is not suitable for okroshka. The sweet note is felt too clearly in it.


  • two and a half liters of water at room temperature;
  • 350 g of bread, for example Borodino;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 50 g raisins (any kind).

How to make delicious kvass based on black bread

After cutting the bread slices into cubes, I dry them in the oven.

And already in the form of crackers I send it into a three-liter jar with granulated sugar and dried berries (by the way, not washed).

After pouring some water, I tie gauze around the neck of the glassware.

I place some kind of bowl or deep dish under the container so that nothing spills out of the container during fermentation.

I leave the workpiece alone for two days in a dark and warm place.

Then I strain the drink and pour it into containers that are more convenient for storing in the refrigerator.

After cooling, kvass acquires a completely different, piquant taste.

Be sure to check out: Homemade kvass “like from a barrel” -
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