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Why put tulle on windows instead of blinds? Magic tip for first floors

To cover the windows, tulle is usually hung, but in many cases it gets in the way, especially in the kitchen. It is much more practical to glue it directly onto the glass. This way it will not hang down and cover the window sill, but will provide the necessary comfort and block the view into the room from the street.

What you will need:

  • tulle;
  • water;
  • starch.

The process of gluing tulle on windows

It is necessary to wash and wipe off stains from the windows. Next, pieces of tulle pre-cut to the size of the glass are dipped in a warm aqueous starch solution. It should be like jelly, not thicker.
Why put tulle on windows instead of blinds? Magic tip for first floors

The tulle is wrung out and then simply glued to the glass. In places where it does not stick, you need to smooth it with a hand dipped in starch.
Why put tulle on windows instead of blinds? Magic tip for first floors

Why put tulle on windows instead of blinds? Magic tip for first floors

Why put tulle on windows instead of blinds? Magic tip for first floors

In the future, if it is necessary to wash, the tulle will need to be sprayed with water from the sprayer, and after a couple of minutes it can be easily removed. Then it is glued in the same way. Each time you glue it, it is important to wring it out well, since excess starch causes the glass to become dull.
Why put tulle on windows instead of blinds? Magic tip for first floors

View from the street day and night.
Why put tulle on windows instead of blinds? Magic tip for first floors

Why put tulle on windows instead of blinds? Magic tip for first floors

Everything turned out very beautiful, cozy and stylish.Take note of this magical life hack and save money.

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Also see how you can quickly cover balcony windows with tulle -
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