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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » How to remove red wine stains on upholstered furniture

Situations when guests spill wine on soft furniture, happen in every family when friends and relatives gather for the next celebration.

As a result, after the holiday I will have to not only completely clean the apartment, but also clean the upholstered furniture. But since I know a very quick way to get rid of red wine stains, I can deal with this problem in a matter of seconds.

Today I will clean the banquette. I always keep all the necessary ingredients at home. In addition, I immediately make a small portion of the solution, pour it into an empty glass bottle and tightly close it first with a plastic cap, then with a plastic one.

If a stain occurs, I immediately take out the solution and “save” my furniture.

What you need to remove stains

  • Ammonia 10%.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Cotton pads.
  • A few drops of lemon.

How to remove a stain

I mix a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 2:1 ratio in a glass container.

I shake well, moisten a cotton pad with the solution and gently rub the stain.

To avoid the smell of ammonia, I wipe the cleaning area after finishing work with water and a few drops of lemon. I set the bench aside to let the fabric dry. This method can be used to clean any upholstered furniture with a synthetic surface.

Important! Do not mix the solution in large quantities at once if you rarely have to remove wine stains.
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