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home » Different » Crafts » Crafts from plastic bottles » How to make beautiful blocks from plastic bottles

When arranging a landscape, there is often a lack of beautiful large stones, near which shrubs or flower bushes look great. Such blocks weigh hundreds of kilograms, so there is no way to deliver them to the site on your own. In this case, you can simply imitate stones from concrete and plastic bottles. They look the same, but are easy to move.


  • Plastic bottles;
  • plastic bags or bags;
  • thin cord or fishing line;
  • cement;
  • PVA glue;
  • sand;
  • rags or burlap;
  • primer;
  • colors black, iris, purple, pink, blue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • silicone water repellent.

Process of making imitation stones

We place plastic bottles in a bag or sack. Then we tie it with a cord to highlight the relief.

Next, mix the cement mortar. Only water and a little PVA glue are added to the cement for plasticity. You need to make a liquid composition and soak a large piece of rags or burlap in it.

Then you need to wrap the bag of bottles in this cement blanket.The remainder of the solution is poured from above.

The next day, cement mortar is prepared, but with the addition of sand, in a ratio of approximately 1:3. This composition is applied to the imitation and smoothed out by hand.

Having plastered the stone in this way, you need to modify its relief. A successful result is achieved by applying foamed polyethylene to the surface. It leaves a realistic imprint. After 48 hours, the stone can be turned over and the bottom can be made in the same way.

Next comes staining to give the concrete the realistic look of real stone. To do this, it is coated with a primer with the addition of black color. She is sprayed with a sprayer. After the first has dried, a primer with iris color is applied as the second layer.

When the base is dry, mix acrylic paint with colored colors. It is applied by imprinting colored crumpled foil. The task is to make colored spots.

After the paint has set, you need to go over the stones with a black primer. But this time it is already applied with a brush.

On the second day, the stone will become lighter than it was originally after the last coat of primer. Colored patches will appear on it again. After this, it can be slightly modified with sandpaper, removing sharp sagging concrete. Such abrasions will improve its appearance.

To extend the life of stones, it is advisable to coat them with silicone stone impregnation. When it dries, the beauty of the imitation will fade a little. You can apply the black primer again, and then rub the stones with sandpaper.

They will be like real ones again, but will no longer absorb water.

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