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home » Electronics » How to test any radio remote control using a regular multimeter

You can check the functionality of the IR remote control using your smartphone camera, but what about the radio remote control? Here everything is not much more complicated and to check the transmitter for any frequency you will need ordinary Chinese multimeter. An elementary method will also allow you to verify the operation of the radio station, local oscillator. An excellent method when you don’t have special equipment at hand.

Will need

How to test a radio remote control, radio station or transmitter using a multimeter

Besides multimeter You will need any germanium diode; finding one certainly won’t be a problem.

The diode is connected to the probes multimeter. The tester itself is set to constant voltage testing mode, at the lowest limit.

The result was an elementary high-frequency detector. The diode serves as a signal rectifier.

Initially multimeter shows minimum values ​​or zero.

But as soon as you press the remote control button, the readings of the device will change sharply, which shows the serviceability of the remote control transmitter.

This method works with any transmitter at any frequency.

The only thing is that the level of readings will depend on the power of the transmitter.

As mentioned earlier: in this way you can check any radio remote control, transmitter, local oscillator, walkie-talkie, and even the operation of a cell phone.

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