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Lifehack for motorists: cheap anti-ice from a radio store

With the onset of snowfalls and frosts, the wiper blades freeze and become covered with ice. As a result, they do not clean the windshield, but scrape it uselessly. Using this tip, you can protect your wiper blades from ice very cheaply.

What you will need:

  • silicone oil PMS 100 (sold in the radio parts department);
  • dry rags.

Lifehack for motorists: cheap anti-ice from a radio store

The process of treating wipers against freezing

Before processing, the wipers must be raised and cleared of snow and ice. Then a drop of silicone oil is applied to the brushes at intervals of 5 cm. After this, it is rubbed with a dry cloth. You need very little oil to just create the thinnest film on the elastic bands.
Lifehack for motorists: cheap anti-ice from a radio store

After this treatment, the brushes will stop freezing and becoming covered with ice. They will gently slide across the glass, removing snow and ice from it.
Lifehack for motorists: cheap anti-ice from a radio store

Lifehack for motorists: cheap anti-ice from a radio store

The only minor drawback of this method is that immediately after the wipers pass, the glass barely noticeably brightens for a moment, but this does not interfere with seeing the road. If you use PMS 100 silicone grease, this effect is almost not noticeable.
Lifehack for motorists: cheap anti-ice from a radio store

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To prevent the wipers from freezing at night, you can use the service mode - This will make it easier to warm up the car in the morning.
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Comments (1)
  1. Yura Razborkin
    #1 Yura Razborkin Guests 29 December 2020 18:03
    Interesting way. But sometimes there is some kind of reaction with the washer, or I don’t know, but the glass gets greasy

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