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home » Cooking » Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
Sometimes you want to treat yourself and your loved ones with fried potatoes. Make this dish instead and you'll never want potatoes any other way. The recipe is simple, but very tasty.
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries


  • potatoes – 750 gr.;
  • black pepper – 2 gr.;
  • thyme –2 gr.;
  • corn starch – 110 g;
  • salt – 8 g;
  • parsley to taste;
  • cheddar cheese – 100 gr.;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • red pepper – 2 gr.

The process of making potato sticks

It is necessary to prepare 750 gr. peeled potatoes and boil them in 1 liter of water. If it is large, then it is better to cut the tubers into pieces to speed up cooking.
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
The finished potatoes need to be crushed into puree.
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
Salt, thyme, black pepper, chopped parsley and grated cheese are added to it. The mass is kneaded, after which starch is poured into it. It is not added before, since it will not distribute the spices evenly.
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
After the second mixing, the seasoned and starch-fortified puree is scooped up little by little and rolled into sticks.
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
Some of them can be placed on a baking sheet with parchment paper to bake. On top they are greased with a mixture of vegetable oil and red pepper. The sticks are baked for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180°C.
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
The remaining sticks can be fried in a frying pan in oil.
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
To do this, set the burner to high heat. The sticks fry very quickly, since essentially all the ingredients are already ready from the start, all you need is a crispy crust. Cook them both ways for the first time to determine which you like best.
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries
Delicious potato sticks when you're tired of chips and fries

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How to cut potatoes into a spiral with a regular knife and fry them in oil -
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