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home » Useful and interesting » Lifehacks and useful tips » Life hack: how to wash windows so they stay clean longer

I am not a supporter of radical cleaning measures; I try to replace chemical products with more gentle ones with a non-aggressive composition. First of all, for myself, because I am allergic. Secondly, items furnitureThe ones you clean also have a certain lifespan. If you treat them with care, they will last longer.

Today I will tell you how to wash windows using a simple method and I will share one little secret of what you need to do to keep your windows clean for a longer time.

I will need:

  • Liquid baby soap.
  • Vinegar.
  • Scraper.
  • The napkins are soft.
  • Lemon.
  • Mask, gloves.

How to wash windows with natural products and treat them so that they remain clean for a long time

It's simple, I pour the baby soap into a free plastic bottle with a dispenser and squeeze half a lemon into it. I shake the mixture well.

I start cleaning the glass from the windows. I remove dust and dirt from them. I need a scraper to clean bird droppings from the back of the window.

As soon as the glass is washed, I begin to wash the frames, then the window sill.

A simple secret: When the glass is completely dry, I wipe it with a clean, soft cloth moistened with vinegar. This way the glass stays shiny longer.

Important point – be sure to wear a mask when washing windows to prevent dust from getting into your respiratory organs.

After washing, I wipe the window sills and frames with a microfiber cloth moistened with fabric conditioner. You will be surprised, but after this treatment you will wash your windows much less often.

Finally, a piece of advice from the hostess! If you don’t have liquid soap and need to wash your windows, prepare it yourself. Grate baby or laundry (unscented) soap. Melt the shavings in a water bath, mix with lemon juice and wash the windows. The effect will be the same.

Are your plastic windows sweating and there is no heat? There is 1 simple solution -
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