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home » Handicraft techniques » Decoupage » Without stickers and dyes: a cheap way to decorate eggs for Easter. Everyone can do it

Believe me, you don’t have to buy expensive stickers and special paints to exquisitely decorate chicken eggs for the bright holiday of Easter. To do this, you don’t need to be any kind of expert in coloring or decoupage; everything will work out the first time, even if you have no experience in this.


Most people already have everything they need in their kitchen:

  • patterned kitchen napkins;
  • white of 1 chicken egg;
  • pastry brush or paint brush.

How to decorate eggs for Easter almost free and unique

The first step is to separate the napkins, separating the bottom white layer from each.

Next, use your fingers to “cut out” each design that will need to be applied to the egg.

We first store all the elements on a towel.

Now you can proceed directly to the decoration. Break the egg into a bowl and remove the yolk. We take a brush, apply the picture to the shell and smear the picture with a brush moistened to the squirrel.

As a result, the latter sticks well. Different pictures from different napkins can be combined on one egg.

You can also use a whole napkin for wrapping. Everything is also based on technology.

We cut off the excess with scissors.

Almost everything is ready.

All that remains is to grease each testicle with sunflower oil and that’s it.

The result is original, unique and naturally decorated eggs.

I agree that it is very simple! Probably even faster and easier than painting them or wrapping them in shrink film from China.

Peace and Kindness to Your Home! Happy Easter!

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You will succeed the first time: How to simply color eggs for Easter with natural and all available “dye” -
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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Sergey
    #1 Guest Sergey Guests 12 May 2022 23:05
    So simple😊👍

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